Wednesday, October 7, 2009

CB Rocked the 5k and finished 100th! 100th!!!

Ok, so I had to keep this post totally separate because it is so cool. CB, Bff's BFF has fallen in love with running. She passed me and BFF when we had barely gotten started and she was wearing a running skirt. Man I do love the running skirt.

We are huffing up hill and here she comes running past, and she still has the energy to blow us a kiss. I was praying to the God's of chubby girls and mothers that I wasn't actually already dead but someone had forgotten to tell me, and CB is blowing kisses. Everyone around us got the biggest kick out of it and it was pretty sweet.

Generally large gatherings of women suck, since we are a pack of super petty beings, but this was different. There were your obnoxious look at me loud talkers, but for the most part it felt like more of a love fest than anything.

I am so proud of CB. Lucky 100. Isn't that cool? Run Carrie Run!

CB, hubby and Sam I Am

She doesn't even look winded!

We are so proud of you Carrie! When you ran by I looked at BFF and said, "she is so much better than us!" Then I started praying again!

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