Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Women's Only 5k Run and Walk

So look what BFF talked me in to. I will be walking, rest assured. I hope I don't keel over. That would suck! I do love me some girl time, so this should be fun. Wanna come?

Next, I think we should all do this one. First of all, you get to eat 6 donuts at the half way point. Krispy Kreme donuts for pete's sake. Plus, its for a great cause in memory of a great kid. Let's do it. I feel slimmer just thinking of it. I will even volunteer to eat your 6 donuts if you want to skip that part!

Lindsey and Ginger are going to do it with me. Right girls? B-Tim is leading the pack! K-Woo's coming too!


  1. I just checked the date and I will be out of town....bummer!

  2. Donuts? Sounds like the best 5K ever!

  3. Oh man - they do one of these in Raleigh every year. They start at NC State, run to the Peace St. Krispy Kreme, eat a dozen donuts, and then run back to State. Ugh. How could you do that? (I think I might be in Cincinnati that weekend...)
