- I still can't decide if I want to keep the monkey costume. I think I will hold on a little longer. I would like to take it back and use my $10 off a $50 purchase coupon at a minimum, but it expires on the 10th and I am running out of time. Maybe there will be a good coupon this friday. Don't forget to check! BTW, 2 people, BFF and K-Woo both said they didn't think they could spend $100 at Old Navy so the $65 off of $100 purchase didn't really excite them. I do admire their will power. I am a sucker for the Old.
- My nephew Skylar joined Cub Scouts. He is in first grade and this is his first ever after school activity. I am so excited for him. My mom already called me and told me to be on the lookout for a Cub Scout Uni at the Good Will. Let me know if anyone knows where to get a good used one. I want him to have what he needs even if I need to buy it new. Evidently the shirt is $25. Random rant. Why do they make things so cost prohibitive? My goodness.
- My buddy Ginger, K-Woo's SIL, started a blog. She also sells really pretty jewelry on Etsy. Ginger is so pretty and super smart. I don't know what she sees in me. She does have a goofy flag, she just doesn't fly it.
- The world's greatest stylist, M-Beek, started a blog. Also, she is hanging out with both of my celebrity girl crushes this week. I won't tell you who they are but I will tell you that they are both awesome. I better be getting a picture on my cell phone this week!
- My dear friend M's husband did the sweetest thing EVER. He surprised her on their 10 year anniversary with a vow renewal and he wrote the vows. I would have loved to have been there for that. Hopefully someone got it on video. Is that not one of the most special things you have ever heard?
- Avery pulled up for the first time, got a bit of a shiner rolling on his pacie, pooped in the bathtub (that really made me laugh), grabbed my leg and pulled on me from the walker, and cried when he thought I wasn't going to take him home with me from Day Care. That's a lot for one little boy in one little week!
- I feel like we need an emergency kit at home. I was bathing Avery last night and the power flashed. What if it had gone out and we were home alone, soapy and wet, in the dark? He's a slippery little sucker! What should I put in it, where should I keep it, am I being a freak?
- I love America's Got Talent, (Jeffrey Ou is my fav, and not just because he name starts with Ou, but I also love those dancing sisters) but I think the Hoff has lost his mind and Piers is mean.
- Do you realize the Dixie Classic Fair is less that a month away? They have taken their website up a notch this year. Check it out!
- I know Angel is excited about Halloween, but I have only gotten feedback from one other person on the topic of Halloween. Don't make me start again with the motivational Halloween entries. I'll do it!

Happy Wednesday Lovers of Life!
I did not know that you shared my love for America’s Got Talent. I hope there is not a limit to the length of comment you can make...
ReplyDeleteDavid Hasselhoff. Ugh. There are no words...other than perhaps “hoffle.” Did you SEE his performance on the results show last week??? What was up with the pants? Was his tailor mad at him?
If I had to pick a second mother, it would, without a doubt, be Sharron Osbourne.
I like Jeffrey Ou as well, and I was so excited (as well as surprised) when he made it through after his slight technical difficulty. Piers made me mad last night. I think he probably did hit all the notes. That song is a hot mess...on purpose. That’s how Liszt wrote it. If Piers has a problem with it, he needs to go back a hundred years and take it up with him.
I la-la-love that the guy...the guy that break dances – Hairo something. He is AWESOME.
Barbara Padilla (sp?) - how was she not discovered before AGT? She’s not really a Vegas act, but she rocks!
I am worried that Grandma Lee might have a heart attack one night while Nick Cannon takes his sweet time building anticipation for the results.
Speaking of Nick Cannon – I heart him as well. I have always (since she dated Derek Jeter) been VERY anti-Mariah Carey. But I love Nick Cannon so much, that I am SLIGHTLY warming to her. Nick Cannon is one funny dude.
The dancers from last night. Seriously? They are tough guys from the streets of Chicago. And they do the Power Rangers???
I’m not sure, but I think that Drew Stevens guy – that plays the guitar and sings (not the country one), MIGHT possibly be a serial killer.
Also - I do love your love for Halloween. Halloween is AWESOME!!!